Transit Strikes…and Unions in General

So tomorrow morning, the city of Halifax will be crippled.  The union at Metro Transit has decided that they should not be affected by cost cutting measures and efficient business methods used in industries all over the world already.  At least for once the main issue here is not wages, but flexibility of shifts, part time workers and contracting out some duties.  Yet, if they are happy with the proposed wage increases, is it really necessary to strike?

Here are some comments from Ken Wilson, president of the union:

‘He said Metro Transit wants to set more rigid work schedules, meaning workers would lose the flexibility in picking shifts that they have now.

“We have to keep in mind that the average bus operator has a 60-hour work week for 40 hours of pay. We get off at Mumford and have to come back to Burnside on our own time to get our own vehicle. So we deal with that, because that’s the industry. We understand that,” said Wilson.’ (taken from CBC)

I’m sorry, you go and get your vehicle on your own time?  It’s called commuting to and from work, and we all do it.  The problem is, this strike means that an estimated 96,000 Haligonians who rely on Metro Transit daily will find themselves stranded and without affordable transportation.  Those lucky enough to have vehicles will find themselves waiting longer in traffic with a higher chance of accidents.

As for flexible shifts, why shouldn’t Metro Transit move to block scheduling?  It’s been done in many Canadian cities with great success over the past decade.  If workers want flexibility in their hours, they can still trade shifts with other workers, as is done in most other industries where shift work is involved.  It is simply too time consuming and inefficient for management to call each worker in order of seniority and ask them what shifts they would like to work.  It’s borderline ridiculous for the employees to expect this!

And boo hoo, Metro Transit wants to hire more part time workers.  Get over it!  Part time workers are required for any shift work.  Not all route requirements will work with eight hour shifts.

Anyways, that is my rant.  At this point it looks like the city will be crippled tomorrow morning, causing headaches across the city.  However, I have to wonder, if Air Canada workers can be legislated back to work as an essential service for the Canadian economy, how is it that the HRM cannot do the same with Metro Transit?  Surely a transportation system used daily for approximately 20% of the city in their daily commutes is just as essential, if not more so, than air transportation (which has alternative competitors available instead of shutting down completely).  While the impact may not reach across the country as it did with the Air Canada strike, it will certainly have dire consequences for the local population here in Halifax.

On that note, are unions really useful anymore?  Do they still have a place in the workplace?  Personally, I think not.  They serve no purpose anymore other than headaches.  I agree in the past they may have been necessary to protect workers’ rights, however now they merely inflate costs and prevent companies from staying competitive, which in the long run can harm the very workers they are trying to protect.  Case in point, the auto workers unions.  We saw very recently just how much harm they caused; do we really want to see this continue in other industries?  Unions’ refusal to work with management to meet both the workers’ needs, but also allow the business to stay competitive aren’t helping anyone, in any industry.  Maybe the unions need to see their workforce destroyed in bankruptcy before they get the picture?  Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that…

What Are You Thankful For?

October 10, 2011 1 comment

So of course, being Thanksgiving here in Canada, I really don’t have much choice on the topic for today’s entry.  That being said, lots of schoolwork still to catch up on so this will likely be a short post.

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect, spend time with loved ones, and of course to eat copious amounts of food.  From the posts I’ve seen online from friends this year, there has certainly been no shortage of food.  Similarly, I have seen and heard a lot of people going to spend time with loved ones.  However, I have to wonder, how many of us actually stop to think about what we are thankful for?

If we look around the world right now, those of us in Canada have a LOT to be thankful for this year.  Unemployment is low, our economy is still chugging along, no recent outbreaks or natural disasters, we have freedom of speech, no oppressive leader, etc…  Really, all we have to complain about is that autumn is here in full force and winter is fast approaching.  We did get a nice bounce back to summer weather here in Halifax just in time for the long weekend though!

So often when people list what they are thankful for, we take a lot for granted.  Yes, we all say family and loved ones, a roof over our heads, etc.  But what about the fact that you are able to speak freely, have adequate transportation, and have access to remarkable methods of communication (such as whatever device you are reading this on, which is connected to the Internet).  These are all things we don’t really think about.

So, now I want you to make your list and post it in the comments below.  If you’ve already made it, make it again taking into consideration what I said above.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🙂

How Do You Handle Change?

So after a full day of meetings, I was left exhausted but also in wonder at all of the changes and opportunities coming up with my job.  The speed at which we are growing, and the rate at which we are changing is utterly astounding. So, while quite exciting and great for career opportunities for yours truly, it left me wondering, how do you handle change?

Personally, I used to hate change.  I resisted it quite strongly; I preferred the status quo.  However, as I got older and gained more experience (and yes, I know there is a lot more to learn), I realized that no progress comes without change.  Change is necessary for improvement and growth.  Without change, our world would certainly not be where it is today.  Think about a world without change or innovation…just for a minute…

You wake up with the sun, throw the furs off your body and bathe in the river or lake.  You gather kindling and firewood on your way back to camp to light a fire.  Once lit, you start to heat up leftover meat from last night’s kill.  Once cooked, you rip the meat off the bone with your teeth and chew your food thoroughly.  Then you set off for the day with the other hunters.  If you’re lucky, you’ll have a good kill and everyone will eat well tonight.

Now, compare that with today (thanks to change):

Your alarm goes off at 6:30am, on the dot.  You get up, stumble into a hot shower.  You dry off and wander to the kitchen to pour a hot cup of coffee (already made because of the timer on your coffee maker) and pop a bagel in the toaster for breakfast.  Maybe you grab some fresh fruit from the fridge as well.  You boot up the computer and check the daily news quickly while you eat breakfast, then put your dishes in the dishwasher and hop in your car to head to work.  You drive the 30 km to work in about 20 minutes and swipe your card to open the automatic garage door.  After parking, you take the elevator up to the 22nd floor, head to your office and boot up your computer.  Here you check your emails from colleagues and associates from around the world, and reply in seconds.

I’ll stop there, I think you get the picture.  So, now that you read all of that, change doesn’t seem to bad eh?  Ready to embrace it?  I know I am!  When I look back at what has changed in the past ten years, I get excited to see where the world will take us in the next ten!

Work, School and Retreats, oh my!

September 12, 2011 Leave a comment

So I know this is becoming commonplace, but I’m sorry I haven’t written in so long!  You would think that now that I am all settled, I would have more time to blog.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Life keeps me busy, and that’s an understatement.

At the same time, as I have stated in a previous post, time management is important.  I think I am being less productive as I am not taking full advantage of my free time.  As a result, when I am free, I find myself wanting to waste time with unproductive activities rather than productive ones.  Fear not loyal readers!  School has commenced once again, which will pretty much force me into productivity mode.

So what’s new?  Sadly, not a lot actually.  I actually can’t recall if I was employed yet when I wrote the last post…I think I was.  In any case, I am now a Retail Manager for Eastlink in Dartmouth.  The commute leaves something to be desired, but I love the job and the people I work with.

On a similar note, last weekend was the first get together for my CMA-MBA program.  Friday was a twelve hour retreat at St. Margaret’s Bay Marina.  I wasn’t sure to expect, and although it was optional I made sure to attend.  I got to meet a lot of other people in the MBA program (not just the CMAs).  It was an exhausting but rewarding day of team building exercises and social activities.  I’m glad I went and I highly recommend it for anyone who may someday be in the same situation.

Saturday was an orientation day just for the CMAs (the full time MBAs had theirs all week).  Basically they put the fear of God into us about the upcoming workload and case exam…can’t wait!  I know I can handle the challenge, I’ll just have to snap back into productivity mode.  Today was a good start – I have read 3 out of 5 of the chapters that are due next Friday (Sept 23), written this blog entry, researched buying a car, finished a budget and will be going to get groceries shortly.  Go me! 🙂

Well that was probably boring for most of you…I apologize that my life isn’t too exciting at the moment, but I promise to come up with a more stimulating topic for the next entry.  Until then, get out there and make productive use of your free time!

Halifax Update

Hey all,

So I guess its about time for an update eh?  Hmmm…where to start?  Well I’m all settled down in Halifax now, and even almost done unpacking!  Unfortunately, my laptop also died and has to be sent away to ASUS (thankfully still under warranty), so I’m stuck using my old desktop for now.  On the bright side, I finally have internet set up!  Also, new cell number – if you’re friends with my on facebook, the new number is listed there (although I believe I texted everyone in my address book with the update).

So currently I am subletting an apartment for the summer, with the option to renew the lease in my own name come September (which is my plan).  Since the girl I am subletting from is moving a few hours away, I agreed to give her post-dated cheques for the rent since she is still paying the landlord (not me).  So imagine my surprise when the first one was cashed 3 days early.  I figured it wasn’t a big deal, it was only three days.  However, a week later the other three got cashed as well!  Obviously my first reaction was…HOW?!  Do bank tellers not know how to read a date?! So I called my bank and they clawed back the money.  Although they were hesitant, they eventually released the information that it was a CIBC branch that cashed the cheques (I bank with BMO).  CIBC, I have some advice for you: make sure your tellers can read!  I mean, what happened to the days when the teller checked off the relevant parts of a cheque before putting it through.  My bank still does it to my knowledge.  Date?  Check!  Name?  Check!  Amounts match?  Check!  Signature?  Check!  Boom…done.  Takes a few seconds.  Ugh…anyways, that was my bank rant. It all worked out now and I will just pay the landlord directly myself.  In hindsight, that’s what I should have done anyways, but meh.

Now that I am online once again, I need to get the job search into high gear!  It’s been a nice couple of weeks without work to just unpack and get settled, but its time to get back to the grind!  On that note, if anyone knows of any opportunities in Halifax, let me know! 🙂

Alright, that’s all I have for now.  I will try and start my regular posts again once I’m fully settled (hopefully within the next week or two).  Ciao for now!

Sleeping on the Floor

Alright, so yesterday I woke up and managed to pack my life into boxes in about five hours.  I had a friend helping and I’m glad for it.  I’m not sure what I would have done without her!  The movers took it all and now my apartment is very very empty…its a bit unnerving to hear the echo!

So last night I had to sleep in this big empty apartment, with nothing but a sleeping bag.  Yes, I slept on the floor.  All I can say is ouch…my back.  Even with a yoga mat underneath me, I don’t recommend it!

So this will be a quick entry…just wanted to update you all on the moving progress.  I’ll be leaving for Halifax around 4am EST, so should be there by 5 or 6pm AST (I hope).  Wish me luck!!!

Categories: Life in General

The Countdown

How am I able to take the time today to write this entry, I really have no idea.  Maybe its because I’m stressed out and writing helps me to relax. Why am I stressed?  Well I wrote the exam from hell last night, but at least its over.  I know I didn’t do well, but I did well enough to pass and honestly at this point, that’s all I care about!  One more exam tonight which isn’t much of a worry since it will be so easy.  As of Saturday afternoon I am no unemployed as it was my last day at work.  I don’t have a job yet in Halifax.  The moving company is coming tomorrow afternoon to pick up my stuff and I haven’t packed yet.  Oh yeah, and I’m moving on Saturday.  That pretty much sums it up.

So what’s on the agenda today?  Well after this entry I have to go pick up some moving boxes, cancel my gym membership, forward my mail with Canada Post, start packing, clean the apartment, oh yeah…and somehow study a bit for my exam tonight!  Easy right?  On a related note, did you know that Canada Post charges $52 to forward your mail?  The US Postal Service provides this free of charge.  Grrr….oh well.

Anyways, this is a short entry – mainly just to let you all know I’m still around and kicking.  I’ll post more very soon once I arrive in Halifax, don’t worry!  In the meantime, what do you think about Canada Post charging to forward your mail?  Should it be provided as a free service or is the fee justified?  Leave a comment below!

Hello Halifax!

April 13, 2011 1 comment

Hey all,

So on Saturday after work, I started the long journey to Halifax.  I picked up the rental car in Dorval, and then a girl from France in Atwater, and we were off!  Now I think it is worth mentioning that prior to picking her up, I had never met this woman.  She was a complete stranger, yet there I was, at her front door.  How did this happen you ask?  Well I shall tell you, oh loyal blog reader!

Since this was going to be a 14 hour drive, I decided it might be quite boring alone and I wanted to have some company.  At the same time, I didn’t want any friends coming for the trip since they would be a distraction while I was in Halifax job hunting.  So, I put up an ad on Kijiji for a rideshare.  I got a couple of replies quite quickly, however most were turned off when I explained I wanted to stop in Edmundston, NB and stay the night (completing the drive over two days).  So, it wasn’t until about a week before I was leaving that I got one more reply.  To my surprise, she asked if she needed to book her room in advance when I explained my plans.

While we had a slightly awkward beginning, the journey was quite enjoyable.  She told me a lot about France, and we talked a lot about Canada as well.  It was refreshing to have someone to talk to with a different background than my own.  While there were some periods of silence, music filled those out quite well.

All in all, my rideshare experience was a good one, and I would do it again.  I don’t think I would ever do it as a passenger though, only as a driver.  I don’t like uncertainty, especially when planning a trip.  So by being the driver, I know that even if my passenger bails, I still have the transportation necessary to reach my destination.

Anyways, enough about the journey…how about the destination?  That’s what you want to hear about, right?  Well so far, I’m quite enjoying the little city of Halifax.  The people are extremely friendly, traffic is practically nonexistent (despite what the locals think), and although there are definitely some confusing intersections, I’m already starting to know my way around!

Yesterday I went to explore Point Pleasant Park on the south end of the city.  Sadly over 70% of the trees have been destroyed here from a hurricane roughly a decade ago, but it is still a very nice park to explore.  There are many winding and intersecting paths, which allow you to explore for hours without getting bored if you so desire.  I stayed for a little over an hour and then headed to the harbour.  I haven’t walked the boardwalk yet, but I plan on doing that soon.

Well, this is getting a bit long so I think I’ll quite here for today.  I’ll be sure to write another post about Halifax soon enough, with many more to follow after I move.  I hope you are all enjoying your week.  Have any of you ever had a rideshare experience?  Tell me about it in the comments!

Dealing with Nerves

April 4, 2011 1 comment

Hey all,

How do you deal with nerves?  When you are nervous about something, anything, how do you deal with it?  For me, it’s a process.  For example, later tonight I have a presentation in front of a panel of five CMA judges.  While we know our presentation inside out and I think we will do fine, I am slightly nervous as these judges are used to presentations from CMA candidates as their final exam before receiving their designation. Since I am at least two more years of studying away from that level, I am slightly unnerved.

In any case, dressing up does seem to relieve some of the stress.  Something about wearing a suit and tie makes me feel slightly more confident.  In addition, practicing my presentation to the point where I know it inside out definitely helps.  It is like muscle memory, my mind can go through the motions of the presentation without me even having to think about it.  The result is that I present the same as I would practicing, even though I’m nervous.

Some of us have the innate ability to just push the nerves away and not worry about it.  Others try to do the same, and instead the stress builds and comes bubbling up at the worst possible times.  I used to be one of the latter…however I’ve found that this is changing.  As with anything, practice makes perfect.  In this case, I have had to go through many presentations during my degree.  As a result, each one is slightly less nerve-wracking.  I’m at the point now where I get nervous beforehand, but as soon as I step up and start speaking I’m completely fine (I can only hope this trend continues tonight!)

So faithful readers, what about you?  How do you cope with nerves?  Leave your hints below!

It’s Been a Long Time Internet!

March 30, 2011 1 comment

Hey all,

Wow…blog fail on Dave’s part – my bad.  So yeah…life has been….busy.  Very, very busy.  So I apologize for my lack of blogging.  However, school is winding down now so I should be able to write more often (I know all three of you are uber excited now).

So where to start to catch you all up.  Well first of all, school is pretty much done!  I have one major presentation left and then nothing until April 27/28.  Then its off to Halifax!  The move date is rapidly approaching, which both scares and excites me!  On that note, does anyone know a cheap way to move other than U-Haul?  They just upped their rates from $800 to $1250…not sure my pocketbook can handle this hike!

Also, if any of you remember a post I did a while back about The Aging Process where I had set a goal to be exempt from my CMA entrance exam.  I told you all that come April I would ask you to call me out on it and ask if I achieved my goal.  Well I am happy to announce that although it is not 100% official, I have achieved my goal!  I have the GPA necessary to be exempt and my current grades are on track so that it will be maintained above the requirement.  Hurray!

Hmmm…what else is new?  Not much really to report in the life of Dave.  Oh!  I found an apartment in Halifax already which looks amazing!  Great location as well – check it out here on Google maps if you’d like.  Still looking for a job though, so if anyone has any connections in Halifax – hook me up!!!

And with that, I will bid you all good-day for now.  Post some ideas on topics for me to post about below!

Categories: Life in General